Get informed

In the process of personal growth we move from the situation of dependence to that of autonomy. Autonomy involves making decisions and assuming responsibilities. In order to achieve success in this respect, three elements must be worked out:

Self-knowledge: How am I? What do I like? What am I capable of doing?

• Information: What educational and professional options are there?

• Decision making: What do I want to do? Where do I want to arrive? What steps will I have to follow? What option should I take when finishing ESO?

It is necessary that you inform yourself, it is advisable that you consult your decisions with your parents, teachers, tutor or the Guidance Department and it is essential that you know your personality, interests, skills and limitations.

This webpage refers to the decision process about your immediate future based on personal self-knowledge. The aim is that you start building your own future project based on your perceived personal situation. That is, you need to identify the relevant personal factors which will help you make the first important decision in your life: What will I do when I finish ESO 4th?

The purpose is to reach a good decision based on your abilities and interests.

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