Learning styles
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- Remembers what they DO very well.
- Remembers best through getting physically involved in whatever is being learned.
- Enjoys acting out a situation relevant to the study topic.
- Enjoys making and creating.
- Enjoys the opportunities to build and physically handle learning materials.
- Will take notes to keep busy but will not often use them.
- Enjoys using computers.
- Physically expresses interest and enthusiasm by getting active and excited.
- Has trouble staying still or in one place for a long time.
- Enjoys hands-on activities.
- Tends to want to fiddle with small objects while listening or working.
- Tends to want to eat snacks while studying.
- Remembers what they say and what others say very well.
- Remembers best through verbal repetition and by saying things aloud.
- Prefers to discuss ideas they do not immediately understand.
- Remembers verbal instructions well.
- Enjoys the opportunities to present dramatically, including the use of music.
- Finds it difficult to work quietly for long periods of time.
- Easily distracted by noise, but also easily distracted by silence.
- Verbally expresses interest and enthusiasm.
- Enjoys class and group discussions.
- Prefers to see words written down
- When something is being described, the visual learner also prefers to have a picture to view.
- Prefers a time-line or some other similar diagram to remember historical events.
- Prefers written instructions rather than verbal instructions.
- Observes all the physical elements in a classroom.
- Carefully organizes their learning materials.
- Enjoys decorating their learning areas.
- Prefers photographs and illustrations with printed content.
- Remembers and understands through the use of diagrams, charts and maps.
- Appreciates presentations using OHP transparencies or handouts.
- Studies materials by reading notes and organizing it in outline form.
- Enjoys visual art activities.